Who has been Spared of the Mysterious & Wonderful stage of Life, where we all fall in Love ?
Does Love happen Slowly ?
or does Love Happen all at Once ?
We all have different experiences,
& We all have our own Mantras to pass the days on this Planet,
After battling my addiction for Alcohol, at the Local AA,
they taught us in one of the 12 steps to take each day, ( One day at a Time). so this had been mine for a Looooong Time.
Sometime in the Winter of 2012, When the World was about to end, ( Hahahahahahaha)
I ended up on a Scuba Diving Boat Trip In Goa, Next to this Young French "Tom-Boy" who, who happened to be Selling Luxury Yatchs for a living, On the Boat, Where we were seated next to each other, enjoying the snacks and fruits, We were looking in each others eyes, and and laughing together for no good reason,
As the Boat Roared thru the waves and the sound of the two stroke engine, was making any conversation inaudible,
So She Leaned in & Whispered the most magical lines, that would change my direction in life forever,
"Love, Live, Jive,
Dive, DIve DIVE "
Thats it, All the Memories of My Childhood Days, Just Rushed, and came to a stand still, the memory of me being 12 Years, when I was in Sunday School, Where the Priest asked us all, What we would like to be When we grow up ,
as each ones turn came up, everyone knew what to say, except me,
The kids of Doctors knew that they had to become Doctors,
the kids of Businessmen knew they had to grow up and follow suit,
the kids of Architects also knew what to say,
Some said they had to become a C.A. back then i didnt even know what
those abbrevations meant,
My Dad had died, on duty in Lybia, when i was 8, and my mother never spoke about him much, as she was busy making ends meet,
I was a bit Jealous & Confused, at the confidence that everyone had, and pitying my precarious situation,
as my Mother never asked me what i wanted to be,
Being her only Child, born after years, praying, fasting, & several pilgrimages,
She didn't expect much from me, All she expected of me was to pass each year, irrespective of the Grades,
When the mike finally came to me, I had to answer something, My Subconscious took over, & i blurted out with the same confidence as everyone else,
"i want to become a Diver",
And the intended reaction was a surprise & everyones face just lit up,
one of the Nerdy girls in my team screamed back, "Do you wanna be a marine biologist?",
Again i did'nt know what that meant, but because ,
i had the mike in my hand for too long, i just murmured a "yes' and passed the mike.
my closest guess, on that impromptu, confident answer, was the years of episodes of ( Secrets of the Seas) by Captain Jacques Cousteau,
that i was weaned on, which i was hooked on each Sunday Morning at 10 am,
Anyways, the Years passed, i had totally forgotten this incident, i enjoyed learning new things, and when i learned something i became bored,
and took another job which taught me new skills, i jumped from one Job to another Job, having fun nonetheless, and making a living too,
but the true Purpose of my life had just done a deja-va, after the (Scuba Diving Boat Trip in Goa) activity,
my mission in life became crystal clear, After a few local inquiries, i happened to find the perfect place, (www.goaaquatics.com)
it was just 10 kms away from my ancestral house in Goa.
what is your story ?
please email me id like to know, scubagoa.com@gmail.com
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